Ryan Wilson Profile Picture

About Me

Github Stats

GitHub Streak

Tech I Use In My Projects

Front-end Technologies

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS & DaisyUI
  • Framer Motion
  • JavaScript
  • Next.js

Back-end Technologies

  • Full Stack Web Development
  • Next.js
  • MongoDB
  • Git & GitHub
  • AWS
  • Vercel

My Story

I have always had a passion for technology and computers. From a young age, I was fascinated with machines and how they worked. I was in the 9th grade when my father got a computer. I was amazed at how it worked and how it could do so many things.

After highschool i attended The University of Western Ontario where i earned a degree in Sociology. I continued to work with technology in my personal projects and as a technical support specialist for a few large companies such as Verizon and HP.

In The Beginning...

My first brush with programming was in the 10th grade. I took a computer programming class. I landed probably the worst intro to programming teacher you could imagine. We were learning COBOL, no real explanation of why that language and how it fits into the overall picture of programming. I was so bored I dropped the class. I didn't think I would ever be a programmer. I was increasingly intrigued by machines but i was starting feel like coding was just not for me.

Over The Years

My next brush with programming was just out of high school. I was working my first tech support job supporting HP PC Hardware at the time. A friend gifted me a book. It was a book on programming in C++. I struggled through the first few chapters. It was then I was sure programming was not for me. I wanted it to get better. It just got worse. it seemed like every single concept was over my head. I was so discouraged I gave up. It did nothing, however, to shake my fascination with computers and technology in general. coding just continued to naw at me.

A Continuous Evolution

Creating this portfolio has been a journey learning. This site is not just a showcase of my technical abilities, but also a testament to my dedication and passion for crafting efficient, dynamic, and user-friendly web applications. Every project and code snippet here is a reflection of my commitment to leveraging technology for practical, real-world solutions. This portfolio stands as a living proof of my journey in web development, illustrating how each line of code is a step towards mastering this ever-evolving field. As my skills in coding grow, I look forward to evolving this site further. It's more than just a portfolio; it's a growing platform reflecting my journey as a web developer.